Monday, May 3, 2010 at 1:54PM
Randy in contest, design, government
The May 15th deadline for the Sunlight Labs’ Design For America contest is quickly approaching! With $40,000 in prize money available, there’s still time to enter the Data Visualization category (or Process Transparency or Redesigning The Government).
The submission deadline for the Design for America competition is rapidly approaching. Designs are due by May 15th and the winners announced on May 27th. With a grand total of $40,000 in prize money on the line, we would like to invite designers from every corner of the globe to participate. We can’t wait to see the great ideas people have for redesigning government, visualizing data and explaining government processes.
Our team at the Sunlight Foundation put together this video to give a little context about the competition. In addition, our own Ali Felski, one of Design for America’s judges, did a nice write up of competition where she talks about the need for designers to come together to, “overwhelm the government with good design.”
Government information can be so boring and obtuse. Reams of data on spreadsheets and hundreds, even thousands of pages of legalese can unintentionally obscure the real, and beautiful meaning of public information.
Thanks to Brad for reminding me and sending the link!
Article originally appeared on Cool Infographics (
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