This is a LONG one, but a good one based on statistics recently published in AdAge. Social Media Stats of the Day from Dream Systems Media visualizes some fo the recent stats about Favebook Twitter and general Social Media usage.
Saw an article on Social Media stats the other day on AdAge by Sarah Evans (awesome list of stats she compiled) and of course, me being who I am, I wanted to visualize the data. So enjoy! I used several of these statistics in my recent SMX Social Media Scottsdale presentation on SoLoMo – Checking into the real world.
- Mat Siltala
I really like the coloring in this design that visually ties the data to the Facebook and Twitter brands instantly for the readers. Although, big fonts don’t make a data visualization, and a number of percentages included could easily have been visualized as simple pie charts or stacked bar charts. I do think there is too much text in the design, but I can appreciate how specific you have to be when describing the research data and where it came from.
Nice job Mat!