Shark Attack! is a great infographic design collaboration between Ripetungi and Joe Chernov. Based on data from a Huffington Post article, 100 Million Sharks are Killed Annually.
Recently received a Facebook message from content marketing wizard Joe Chernov linking to the Huffington Post article 100 million sharks are killed annually. This was an astonishing fact and the enormity of the number made it difficult to wrap your head around. Joe also shared an idea for a graphic to add context to this fact making it easier to comprehend, while exposing the outrageous ratio of the number of people sharks kill to the number of sharks people kill.
Great data visualization that shows readers the magnitude and scale of how many sharks are killed by humans every hour. It also puts the 11,417 sharks killed value into context by comparing it against the 12 humans killed by sharks every year. [EDITED]
Don’t get me wrong. I’m convinced that death by shark attack would be a horrible way to go, but some days it’s good to be at the top of the food chain on Earth.