It is 2018 and our phones have become intricate to our daily lives. The Smartphone Etiquette 2018 infographic shows the results of a survey done by to see what American's attitudes and behaviors are towards smartphones.
Smartphones have become a key part of our everyday interactive process, offering the entire internet, and our social sphere, at our fingertips at any given moment.
But just how much are you using your mobile device, and how immersive has it become? KDM Engineering interviewed a group of 2,000 Americans to find out, asking questions on how often people check their phones, how they use their devices in the workplace and what's acceptable mobile behavior in public.
The responses will no doubt come as little surprise, though it's certainly impactful to see some of those behavioral trends highlighted in hard data.
You can check out the full results in the infographic below - and of particular note for marketers, look at which notification types users respond to most urgently.
A lot of good statistics here, but way too many of them are just shown as big numbers in text. That doesn't put the information into context for the readers.
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