Hi, I am looking for someone looking for freelance infographics work for an Economics magazine for readers aged 17 to 18. Interested parties do drop me an email !
Hi, i am a graphic designer, working in London at the moment. Could this work be made by a freelancer online? please check my website at http://inesnaduarte.tumblr.com/ thanks Inês Duarte
I'd be interested in working on a project like this. I tend to use a very simplistic "icon" style which may suit an audience like this. Plus I have experience of University lecturing so am aware of what may be required.
Dear Juliana Emphase Sàrl is a graphic design agency, specialised in data visualization and information design. We are experienced in working for economic data visualization (flowcharts, infographics, HR, quantitative and qualitative data visualization, etc.) Have a look: www. emphase.ch
please check my website at http://inesnaduarte.tumblr.com/
Inês Duarte
my work:
Filipe Borin da Silva
I'd be interested in working on a project like this. I tend to use a very simplistic "icon" style which may suit an audience like this. Plus I have experience of University lecturing so am aware of what may be required.
Please feel free to check out my public portfolio (http://bit.ly/cbportfolio).
You can message me through my website http://www.carolinebeavon.com
I look forward to hearing from you
Emphase Sàrl is a graphic design agency, specialised in data visualization and information design. We are experienced in working for economic data visualization (flowcharts, infographics, HR, quantitative and qualitative data visualization, etc.)
Have a look: www. emphase.ch
Work: http://www.emphase.ch/ANGLAIS/projets/bilan_rh.html
Work: http://www.emphase.ch/ANGLAIS/projets/sig.html
Best regards
I'm interested to this work..
More information about that?
You can check my portfolio at