Randy Krum
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Data Visualization and Infographic Design

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Caffeine Poster

The Caffeine Poster infographic

Entries in news (62)


Design Journal interview

Design Journal is the magazine for members of The Society of News Design (SND). The Editor, Jonathon Berlin, approached me a while back for a quick interview to include in an upcoming issue. The interview was just published in the Winter 2008 issue (#105), which has a whole theme about data and graphics.

Unfortunately, the magazine is for members of SND only. However...

...Jonathon also published most of the interview on the SND Update blog, so you can read the interview online.

Jonathon, thank you very much for the visibility and the press!


Lance's Last Tour

I found two good newspaper infographics from 2005 covering Lance Armstrong's last Tour de France on newsdesigner.com where you can get larger PDF files that make good posters. Both are two-page graphics (doubletrucks). The first is from The Oregonian (above), and the second is from the St. Pete Times (below).

Found on NiXLOG.


Infographics for Advocacy

I got a note from John Emerson, the author of Visualizing Information for Advocacy, and I wanted to share that his booklet on using infographics for NGO's and advocacy organizations is now available online as a free PDF (6.9MB) at apperceptive.com. Although geared to advocacy groups, the information is definitely relevant to everyone.

John also has a blog post up on Social Design Notes.

Outstanding job John!


Concentric Circle Disaster

Breaking News: Series Of Concentric Circles Emanating From Glowing Red Dot

This had one had me laughing out loud. From theonion.com, a news parody of how disasters are covered on TV using infographics. Watch out for those circles!

Found on Infosthetics.


Who has the Nuclear Weapons?

An infographic video from GOOD Magazine, a quick 3-minute video that shows who has the nukes, how many they have, and how much damage would one nuke hitting the Empire State Building cause.

Found on tunequest.org


One Year in Iraq

New infographic from nytimes.com depicting the 2,592 deaths in Iraq over the course of the entire year of 2007. The graphic is credited to Alicia Cheng, a graphic designer at mgmt. design in Brooklyn.

The chart below — compiled from data provided by the American and Iraqi governments and news media organizations (the independent Coalition Casualty Count in particular) — gives information on the type and location of each attack responsible for the 2,592 recorded deaths among American and other coalition troops, Iraqi security forces and members of the peshmerga militias controlled by the Kurdish government.

I think this is an improvement over the "31 Days in Iraq" graphic because the new graphic identifies every death as a separate figure instead of grouping some together. There are also some differences in data, as the new graph doesn't include the Iraqi civilian deaths. So the "31 Days in Iraq" graphic showed over 1,900 deaths in January 2007, this new graphic only shows 163 deaths in January.
And, sadly, civilian fatalities in Iraq last year were simply too numerous to represent on a single newspaper page.

I'll keep an eye out in early February to see if they publish one for the month of January as they have the last couple of years.


TheGlobalWarming Infographic

TheGlobalWarming Infographic, originally uploaded by Seungho.

Found on Flickr by Seungho.


The President's Entourage

Found on Digg, a quick graphic showing the massive entourage that travels with the President.


Wikipedia Activity Visualization

From A Beautiful WWW, this image is a pretty good attempt to visualize the article revision activity on Wikipedia. An article explaining the visualization is here, but the image is a combination of images are from the most linked-to articles, and the size of the colored dots represent the amount of revision activity in the linked articles.

A really cool interactive version was made using the Google Maps API so you can zoom in and move around the graphic.


Americans Remain Woefully Ill-Informed

Wired magazine calls infographics like this "infoporn". I guess you could call this a version of a bubble chart, but it shows a comparison of what people knew in 1989 vs. 2007. Separately it shows knowledge of three questions based on the respondent's usual source of news.

I can't tell how big the sample size was, or what type of people they interviewed. It quotes the source as the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, but that alone isn't enough to make it credible.

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