Randy Krum
President of InfoNewt.
Data Visualization and Infographic Design

Infographic Design

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Caffeine Poster

The Caffeine Poster infographic

Cool Infographics Sample Chapter Request

Here’s a 30-page excerpt from the Cool Infographics book to give you a taste of what’s inside.

This PDF file is a huge portion of the first chapter that includes the following topics:

Chapter 1: The Science of Infographics

  • Infographics vs. Data Visualizations
  • The Explosive Growth of Infographics
  • The Rise of the Informavore
  • The Rise of Big Data
  • Why Infographics Work
  • The Art of Storytelling

Complete the form below, and you’ll receive an email with the link to download the sample chapter excerpt as a PDF to view on your computer or mobile device.

The email will also include link to downloadable PDF files of the Table of Contents and the Index for you.



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