American health care on (4) napkins
Dan Roam, author of Back of the Napkin, has posted a napkin explanation of the American Health Care debate on his blog. It took him 4 napkins to complete his explanation, but I think he did a really good job trying to help people understand a very complex issue.
He has also published a slideshow of the complete series up on SlideShare.net
Check out Dan's great book, Back of the Napkin.
Reader Comments (8)
Love it. Thank you. Sensible, fair, no screaming or "death committee" nonsense.
Michelle H, RN
very nice blog
Great blog, this could be the best blog I ever visited this month. Never stop to write something useful dude!
http://healthabit.org" rel="nofollow">Health Habit
The recent debate around how to best control health insurance and the cost, has pushed the issue of prevention to the front. Why is prevention so important? Everyone is complaining about the cost but the cost would not be as high if everyone took the time to properly take care of themselves. I know prevention is only a part of it but it is an important part of health. It is important because the average person is overweight and running up the medial cost. If you look at the generations before us they were in much better shape and took care of themselves. Studies has shown that a person who is in good shape and has [Health Insurance does not cost the government a lot of money. For those who do not cost the government more. I ask is the government our brother’s keeper.
I feel I should say, I absolutely love this blog. Could tell me how I can go about keeping up to date with it? By the way I discovered this website through Lycos
Definitely one of the most straight-forward and creative ways of explaining the health care system. Haha, good job!
Darwin James
Jane Darwin
<a href="http://healthnewsblog.co.uk/">UK Health News</a>