Waiting For Superman - Infographic Video Trailer
Participant Media - Pledge To See This Film from CypherAudio on Vimeo.
Cool infographic trailer for the upcoming movie Waiting For Superman, a film about the declining state of education in America.
Produced by directing team Buck, this animated ‘pledge’ trailer is for the forthcoming Davis Guggenheim film, Waiting For Superman, that investigates the crisis in the US education system…
A collaboration with Buck and takepart.com for Participant Media and Director Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth). For the film ‘Waiting For Superman’.
music and mix by CypherAudio.
Creative Director: Ryan Honey
Executive Producer: Maurie Enochson
Producer: Eric Badros
Art Director: Joe Mullen
Animation: Jorge R. Canedo Estrada
Original Music: John Black
Carolyn Sams: Co-Producer
Wendy Cohen: Co-Producer
Found on Creative Review

Also available on YouTube:
Reader Comments (2)
Mr.Clark ®-Kent I,
®-The Daily Planet,
10-East, 53rd Street,
®-New York, ®-New York,
®-©AMERICA 10022.
Cell: (214) 916-5020; ext': +937
E-mail: kent.planet@blue-red-gold.dp.hero
®-©Mr. Alexander Simon,
Field Investigator Of Mind,
Sir William Place,
Suite #305C,
8820-85 Street,
Boonie Doon,
®-©Edmonton, ®-©Alberta
®-©CANADA T6C 3C2.
Tel'.: (780) 469-9517
Idylwylde Account: #21221018714623.
E-mail: alexandersimonea@gmail.com
Dear Mr. ®-Kent (SUPERMAN)!
Clark Kent is one; neat; “true-blue;” hero!! A, Ms. Lois, ®-Lane; is her; attitude!! Well; a; Mr. Lex ®-Luthor; is; really; not; a; 'bad;' male; but; for; his; (®-I'-®-anger); "The Fortress of Solitude;" is, where; many; "cures;' reveal; answers!! Planet 'Krypton;' is; a; cool; place; to; 'laugh;' and; drink; a; 'cooler!' ®-Super-Man; won't; be, revealed; because; he, cares!! And, 'Supie;' likes, 'flying;' Ms Lois ®-Lane; because of her, fury; smile -- and; she's a, clean; ®-lady!!
Best regards out there...,
®-©Mr. Alexander Simon.