2010 Box Office Movies Infographic
As the year ends, the 2010 Box Office Movie Chart is complete. A cool, interactive view of the box office receipts by week. It’s pretty large, so you have do some scrolling through they year. If you hover over any movie in the chart, it displays the actual receipt dollars for that week so you can see the numbers behind the chart.
Zach Beane has created a number steam graphs showing movie box office receipts for the last five years and more.
I had an idea for displaying box office data graphically and here are the results. It’s inspired by stream graphs and the works of Edward Tufte.
Each page displays trends in the top 25 movies at the box office for each weekend in a year. The color is based on the movie’s debut week. Because of that, long-running movies will gradually start to stand out from newer movies with different colors.
Nice work Zach!
Found on VizWorld
Reader Comments (3)
However, I wonder what one would look like for all the 900 or 1,000 movies put out every year in India? (Not just "Bollywood." Indian movies are made in at least three or four other Indian languages as well, not just Hindi.) There would be an interesting challenge for you.