The Cool Infographics 2011 Gallery...A Pinterest Experiment
Check out the Cool Infographics 2011 Gallery! I’m trying an experiment using Pinterest to create a one-page, visual gallery of the infographics I post. On this board I have pinned every post from the Cool Infographics blog from last year, and it makes a really nice, visual way to browse through the infographics I have shared. One of the reasons I wanted to play around with Pinterest is that it displays the entire (sometimes very long) infographic, not just a square thumbnail like many galleries.
In general, I keep the 10 most current posts on the front page of the blog. Once they scroll off the front page, of course their traffic and visibility drops off dramatically. I’m looking for a way to create a live, growing gallery of the infographic images so these great examples of design can continue to be easily discovered.
Because infographics is, by definition, a visual media, I think people would be more likely to find examples they like and inspiration for their own type of design if there was a better way to browse. I’m not sure that Pinterest is the answer yet, but it’s certainly worth trying. On the down-side, I haven’t been able to integrate the Pinterest PinIt button into the blog along with the other social sharing buttons. Their button doesn’t seem to work with the Squarespace platform I use for the blog.
I am absolutely looking for feedback, so please leave your thoughts in the comments.

Due to the STRONG positive feedback, and over 1,000 people that “subscribed” to a supposedly static board, I’m going to modify my experiment to be expanding. I will be adding images to the board on an on-going basis based on posts from the Cool Infographics blog.
Reader Comments (8)
That said, if you were to organize a video section I wouldn't be against it. The purpose of infographs is to make information accessible; people who search for infographs are thus looking for accessible information. Thus if you were to include another section that provided videos that explained problems and other things in a short period of time (the other trait people like about infographs) I think you'd probably increase your return rate.
realistically if you want to do this right you should build a site from the ground up. infographs haven't been tapped by any major website yet, and if you can make them as well you have unlimited content to work with.
here's an example of what I meant by sorting:
I don't like the categorizes they use, but you can see how it's done. avoid boring categorizes people assume they are already experts on, or recatogorize to appeal to the intellectual side.
a good infograph is not in list format. A good infograph will follow a logical series of thoughts and reason while backing these ideas up with statistics. Infographs are not a compilation of statistics, rather it is a logical line of reasoning to proceed through those statistics to make a point. This should help you work on a front page that contains mostly good infographs rather then attempting to appeal to certain audiences and turning them off with bad ones.
anyway this is more then enough information to make a great website. glhf and if you don't I will.
Sadly, there's no way to add organization or categories on Pinterest, and I'm not taking the time to make separate boards for every keyword.
I'm going to modify the board to be on-going, and keep pinning the images from the Cool infographics posts. We'll see where it goes.