The Timeline of Doctor Who
A highly detailed historical Timeline of Doctor Who from!
Check out this complete timeline of Doctor Who from 1963 to present, including episodes, seasons, companions, villains, and more. Scroll down to follow all the Doctor’s adventures through time. A Fantastic resource for any Doctor Who fan.
First and formost it’s a timeline of the Doctor Who episodes from 1963-2011. I’ve posted earlier Doctor Who related infograpics here before (The Doctor Who infographic), but none that contained this level of detail. From left-to-right you have seasons, episodes, which Doctor, which companions, key villains and additional facts. When you view the timeline on the original page, the episode titles are also listed on the left side and aligned with the infographic.
There are a couple design changes I would propose that would have made the data easier to understand. One of the things I love is that there is no legend, or any need for one. All of the descriptions for the color-coding and data visualizations is included in the visual designs. However, some of the color-coding is inconsistent. The color for Rose Tyler as the first of the modern companions is green in the timeline, but then additional facts about Rose are colored blue in the last column. This is also true about the character of the The Master, and other companions, where a consistent color-coding would have made the connections easier for the reader to understand.
Thanks to James for sending in the link!

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