29 Powerful Tools for a Social Media Marketer
A Productive Day in the Life of a Social Media Marketer from Razor Social is a great use of an infographic design within a larger content strategy online. The larger piece is an article that lists out all 29 tools, with links and descriptions, but the infographic shows a character using all of the tools throughout the day. So the infographic grabs the attention of the audience and gets shared frequently, with links back to the full article.
The demands on us to market our products and services using social media is constantly increasing and the technology/tools required to support this is also increasing.
We start early morning and we finish late at night. How many of you check your Twitter or Facebook account last thing in the evening and first thing in the morning?
So we thought it would be a good idea to take a look at a very busy day in the life of a Social Media Marketer. During the day there are so many tools and tasks. If you work alone then we certainly wouldn’t expect you to do everything listed here or use all the tools we suggest, but if you are part of a team then you could share out the tasks and tools to make it easier.
A special thanks goes to Donna from Socially Sorted who is my go to person when I want anything visual done. Thanks Donna.
The infographic design does a good job of removing most of the text descriptions and just using icons and logos to represent the various tool. Interested readers can dig into the full article for more information.
The footer is missing the URL link back to landing page with the article. When people post infographics on blogs and social media sites, they aren’t always good about linking back to the original. By including the text URL in the infographic itself, you can make sure all of the readers can find the landing page.

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