The Stephen King Universe
Are you a Stephen King fan? Have you yourself made these connections? From TessieGirl, The Stephen King Universe has been updated to include the many connections to the Dark Tower series.
When I was in Grade 5 (guess I was ten), my friend Tarnya Smyth brought her mum’s battered copy of Stephen King’s ‘Carrie’ to school. We broke it into about 4 pieces and passed them around, all taking turns reading each battered section. I told mum about it and she FLIPPED HER WIG and told me to ‘Stop reading that book immediately!!’ So I finished it.
Now, I TOTALLY do not recommend ten year olds reading Stephen King books (messed me up good), but this was when my life long relationship with Mr King began. My love for his books is based around his characters. They are so full. I love Stephen King dialogue. I love his sense of humour. And I love the links and connections between the books. I am the kind of annoying person who likes to know the ‘In Joke’. So, of course, I MADE A FLOW CHART!!!
This chart is like my fourth child. Be kind to it. It means a lot to me.
I wish they had published a higher-resolution version online. Some of the text is too small to read, but I think I can follow all of the connections. A must have for any Stephen King fan!
Also, it’s available for purchase as a poster from the TessieGirl site for $25 plus shipping from Australia. You can also see the original version.
Thanks to Becky for sending in the link!

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