The Ultimate Visual Guide to Wedding Roles from Great Speech Writing helps clarify the complicated and misunderstood traditions behind who does what in a wedding.
Thinking about proposing; recently proposed; or just worried about what planning a wedding actually involves? Big or small, at home or in a venue, it’s going to tale a lot of organising. When it comes to the wedding speeches we take the strain. But there’s also a guest list to compile, a venue to book and countless people to arrange. And in most cases, it’s something we only do once! So here is the Great Speech Writing contribution: a wedding infographic to print-off, pin on the fridge and help you focus on who does what and when. It’s not going to be easy, but at least you won’t have to worry about the speeches.
In terms of relevance, this is a great topic selection for an infographic from the publisher, Great Speech Writing. It’s related to their business, but it is also a general interest topic that will be informative to a broad audience.
The topic also has a long Online Lifespan, which is how long the infographic will remain relevant to readers and continue to generate page views and back links. Since the topic isn’t tied to any current events in the news, the infographic will be relevant for years to come.
The design is overly text-heavy, but I understand the design challenge. Each action item should probably have an associated icon or illustration like the Joint Responsibilities section. For example, a silhouette of a stripper pole dancing for the “Organise and host a memorable stag party” action item. The design of an “Ultimate Visual Guide” should be much more visual!
The footer has the URL to the main front page of the Great Speech Writing site, but that doesn’t help readers find the original full-size infographic. There isn’t a link to the infographic on the front page. So the infographic should include the URL directly to the infographic landing page, so readers can find it even when people share the infographic in social media without an active link.
Thanks to David for sending in the link!