Emily Schwartzman Wins Haiti Infographic Contest!
Emily Schwartzman has won the GOOD contest to design an infographic about the earthquake impact to Haiti. A high-resolution version is available on the GOOD site.
We’re proud to announce the winner of our latest infographic contest, where we asked readers to design an infographic about the recent earthquake in Haiti. We at GOOD conferred with Aaron Perry-Zucker of Design for Haiti, and we’ve come to a decision.
Emily Schwartzman—whose graphic, “Aftermath of the Haiti Earthquake,” clearly and concisely depicts both the human toll of the earthquake and the scope of the earthquake itself—is our winner. Schwartzman will take home our prize package, including a GOOD T-shirt and a free subscription. You’ll be able to see her infographic in print in our next issue as well as on the Design for Haiti site.
Excellent job Emily!
Reader Comments (3)
Very nice work indeed, Congats to Emily on a fantastic piece & thanks for posting this.
I was actually wondering if someone had put together something like this and here it is..... timing was impeccable.
It's really your superhuman determination n creation. I thank heartily whole heartily for being besides Haiti on that horrible moment.
I think at this moment HAITI really needs help to be rebuild.Outgoing Haitian President René Préval has set the presidential elections for Nov. 28, 2010.
According to ma justification,
Charles Henri Baker (born June 3, 1955) should be under consideration as a deserving personality,
who can supply the best support to this contribution.
Thank you.