The Water Rich vs The Water Poor
The USA is lucky to be in the top 5 countries that have annual renewable water resources. Because of this, we are very wasteful. This is considered to be “Water Rich”. For the countires that are considered Water Poor, they do not have the wasteful luxury, in fact 88% of fatal cases are due to inadequate water access. The Water Rich vs Water Poor infographic by tells the story of both water rich countries and water poor countries.
While some might say gold or diamonds, as far as human life goes, water is the world’s most precious commodity. As the world population increases, and industry continues to expand, Earth’s freshwater reserves are being stretched dangerously thin. See the disparity in water consumption between wealthy and underdeveloped nations.
This is a good side-by-side comparison design, that has a lot of information. Maybe too much information, because it can be overwhelming to readers.
Thanks to Ngoc for sending in the link!
Side note: There are only 5 DAYS LEFT to participate in the Cool Infographics Start 2013 Clean charity drive! If you are able, please visit our campaign on Charity:Water and donate to the cause of providing clear, drinkable water to everyone that needs it.

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