What Do 7 Billion People Do?
This is a page out of Funders and Founders future book. It is a circle graph of the population of the world. The What Do 7 Billion People Do? infographic simplifies the worlds jobs into broad groups. Entrepreneurs are still the smallest group!
We explain entrepreneurship and startups visually through infographics. Here you can see draft notes from our future book.
Found on Funders and Founders!
Reader Comments (5)
Graphics that so overreach for simplicity, such as this, serve only to discredit the intended communication.
The most surprising thing was that 400 million entrepreneurs. Where did they find this data from? LOL
Anyway, I see that you publish many infographics from Funders and Founders. Is there any special reason?
The data about 400 million entrepreneurs is from International Labor Organization and few experts, please see another graphic for details and sources:
Funders and Founders
I always find a graphic speaks louder than words, it is much easier to understand.
Full marks.