The Monstrous Cost of Work Failure
The Monstrous Cost of Work Failure infographic from AtTask looks closely at the cost of failure within companies. How many at-bat attempts does your company take before hitting a homerun?
Projects fail, budgets blow up, fire drills reign and chaos abounds
Work failure plagues all types of teams – from marketers working on a campaign to IT teams deploying a major software system. The root of the problem – impacting 70% of teams – is work chaos. And it can be conquered. Click on the image below to view or download the full graphic and learn more about work failure and how to avoid it.
Fun design with monster characters to help tell the story to readers. The design does a good job telling a 3-part story to the audience:
- Introduction - What is the problem?
- The Main Event - How big is the impact? How can this effect me?
- Call To Action - How do I fix the problem?
Big fonts are not data visualizations, and in this design I would liked to see more of the statistics visualized. Visualization would help put the data into context for the audience. The footer of the design should also include the copyright information and the URL to the original infographic landing page so readers can see the full-size infographic.
Thanks to Matt for sending in the link!