The Investfographic from EquipRent.com is the infographic they designed in-house to share with potential investors. Visual aids and infographics are becoming a valuable tool for companies to communicate with potential investors and shareholders. Consider this to be a visual elevator pitch.
Using an “InvestFoGraphic” to raise capital
As a serial entrepreneur, I am always looking for an edge that makes a company standout and be noticed during capital raising times.
With the advent of new software tools like Prezi to boost your presentations, we decided to creatively put together a colorful investment infographic handout that completely complied with our goal of keeping our story concise, relevant, and exciting. The typical handout (1-page executive summary) that we had previously given VCs was heavy on words explaining in great detail what our company did and how successful we had been. This new graphic handout was riddled with bold and exciting claims about our company and our industry. The underlying theory behind using the infographic was to hook them first, grab their attention and then be ready to talk business.
The exciting news is that we are now in final discussions with several investor groups to close our funding. We know the infographic wasn’t the main reason for getting to this final phase, but we do know that differentiating yourself makes you more memorable and shows investors you and your company plan on being different than the massess.
Remember the advice that the great Rod Stewart gave years ago: Every picture tells a story, don’t it!
The team at EquipRent uses the design as a talking point at investor events. They found it much easier to point out the visuals and discuss each point with their investors. They shared with Cool Infographics, a few of the comments made by investors after seeing the design:
- “I can quickly see what is different about this company than reading a typical one-page executive summary.”
- “I have never seen anyone use an infographic for investor purposes, other than to distinguish market trends.”
- “Definitely sets you a part…like a cool and different resume.”
Thanks to Nate for sending in the link!